dom. Feb 9th, 2025
⭐️ THIS HAS BEEN MY DREAM! ⭐️ Kylian Mbappe’s Real Madrid UNVEILING [FULL] | ESPN FC

THIS HAS BEEN MY DREAM! Kylian Mbappe’s Real Madrid UNVEILING [FULL] | ESPN FC Si buscas el mejor lugar para comprar rplicas de camisetas de ftbol, camisetas de futbol Galatasaray acabas de llegar al sitio adecuado. En Futbolkit encontrars las mejores rplicas oficiales, licenciadas por los propios clubes, para lucir esa camiseta que tanto deseas con un ahorro considerable.

Hear from Kylian Mbappe as he enters the Santiago Bernabeu for the first time as a Real Madrid player to explain how excited he is to join the club and his aspirations for years to come.

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100 comentario en “⭐️ THIS HAS BEEN MY DREAM! ⭐️ Kylian Mbappe’s Real Madrid UNVEILING [FULL] | ESPN FC”
  1. Glad to see Mbappe finally at Real Madrid, of course I don’t expect them to win everything in his first season at the club and if they do that will be amazing, if he struggles at first just be patient and give him time to adapt I’m sure he can become a legend at this club

  2. LOL yes all very impressive now, just wait till he misses a perfect scoring opportunity HMM
    Remember Ronaldo hm hmm, as for the wow factor, ah people the kid is 25, what else are you expecting from a 25 year old. But that is a bit overkill to be honest, no need for all the hype, Parade for Spain, then a presentation for a French kid hmmm just weird to me.

  3. LOL PSG had him, Messi and yep Neymar LOL and what did they do in Europe LOL yeah still haven't gotten champions league yet so LOL oh my all of Europe is afraid cause RM has Mbappe come on, it takes 11 players to fill the line up not one guy. Messi yes in his prime.

  4. Cr7 retires soon. Hopefully he can be a manager of Real Madrid ? imagine.. mbappe still playing there. He looked up at his idol. Now he’s here. To make it complete. Ronaldo has to be there as manager

  5. I'm not a Madrid Fan, but I'm really happy and glad that he finally move to Real Madrid, player at his calliber will only fit to this club. not some random club that just happen to have money from oil owner.

  6. it will be interesting to see who plays at left and who will be the main guy…..guys like camavinga and brahim diaz will run the game but these guys mbappe and bellingham will hog all the credit

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