lun. May 20th, 2024
Cristiano Ronaldo Does Illegal Things In Training!

Cristiano Ronaldo Does Illegal Things In Training! Por eso mismo ahora analizamos los mejores productos producidos tanto en Tailandia como en China. Y as podemos enviarte aquellas replicas de camisetas de futbol tailandia o calidad thai que hacen que las luzcas con una sonrisa. Porque comprar camisetas de futbol baratas, camisetas de futbol FC Barcelona replicas de tus equipos favoritos, no debe estar reido ni con la mxima calidad ni con tu bolsillo.


Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro »CR7» best freestyle skills and goals in training. Video by Cristiano Ronaldo

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100 comentario en “Cristiano Ronaldo Does Illegal Things In Training!”
  1. Why do you feel the need to have ‘ silly Quotes ‘ in the thumbnail title ?
    Yes.. Ronaldo is a phenomenal footballer.. to say his tricks are ‘ illegal ‘ is pathetic 😂

  2. Que abuso…Genio ..Jugador fantastico..A parte de tener la capacidad para hacer todas esas destrezas..hay que tener las pelotas bien grandes para hacerlo en la cara de grandisimos jugadores que fueron sus compañeros..Sin palabras!!!

  3. I think Cristiano was an Ammazing freestyler too better than Ronaldinho to be fair!!-i ve seen to him making skills that even Ronaldinho or Maradona had never done before and let's be clear im not saying Cristiano is better than Maradona inside the pitch i'm just talking about freestyle.

  4. Please don't accept the digital currency or the Artificial intelligence (ai) system that is coming, it is against GOD. who have ears let him hear!!!!.

  5. Don't take the v@ccine trust in the LORD ALMIGHTY and if you already taken it please pray to GOD about it because it is a deception!!.!..!!.!.!

  6. He could have been dancing with ball in the field Even today if it wasn't because of his 2014 knee injury, many don't know that incident and talk about why he only scores 😭

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