jue. May 2nd, 2024
Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu Telugu Full Movie | Nani, Saranya | Sri Balaji Video

Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu Telugu Full Movie | Nani, Saranya | Sri Balaji Video Pensando en comprar rplicas de camisetas de ftbol? En camisetas de futbol Cremonese encontrars las mejores rplicas oficiales de las equipaciones de tu equipo favorito.

Watch Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu Full Movie With English Subtitles Exclusively on Sri Balaji Video. #BheemiliKabaddiJattu Movie Starring #ActorNani, #SaranyaMohan, Kishore, Keerthi, Dhanraj, Vinay, Chanti, Directed By Tatineni Satya, Music By Selva Ganesh.

Story : Suri (Nani) and a young girl (Saranya Mohan) who comes to the village soon takes a turn. Suri, along with his childhood friends, yearns to win a Kabaddi tournament. They’re known for never managing to win a tournament. They manage to find themselves by chance in a State-level tournament, expected to be knocked out in the very first round. But the bunch of young men who share different thoughts and ideas, with the help of a professional kabbadi coach, emerge as winners. As they proceed, many difficulties are encountered such as Suri having a shoulder dislocation during a match. However, they win all their remaining games and progress to the final. However, during this time, gangsters are searching for Suri. The final starts off poorly, but after half time, Bheemli Kabadi Jattu is back in contention. As the game ends in a tie, a player from each team goes up individually against each other. In the final stages of the head-to-head, Suri wins the game but dies after winning the last point as the opposition player kicks him on the chest as to touch him and win the game. But Suri uses his last breath to win the match. The scene changes to several months later when the young girl returns to the place they met, and is searching.
Muchas gracias por ver el vdeo!
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