vie. May 17th, 2024

DEBATE: RANKING Every CURRENT Premier League MANAGER! Bienvenido a la Tienda Online del Sevilla Ftbol Club, donde podrs comprar toda la ropa, camisetas de futbol Copa Mxico,… Camiseta 1 Europa League Sevilla FC 22/23 adulto blanca.

Today we’re ranking every current Premier League manager! Watch us debate about the positions of the likes of Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, Eddie Howe, Mikel Arteta and more!

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12 comentario en “DEBATE: RANKING Every CURRENT Premier League MANAGER!”
  1. im an arsenal fan maybe even more so than sharky, but he is so biased man 🤣 he tries to make everything about mikel and arsenal. Just cool it bro we know what we got we don’t need to let the world know.

  2. for all the people who are whining about arteta over klopp, try to understand what theyre basing it off. Im not a liverpool or arsenal fan so no real bias from my side, but they arent basing it off what you all are complaining about. If youre talking about past achievements then no doubt it would be klopp. its not even close, but they are talking about projection in terms of what they could do, and arteta being more flexible and building something. Yes he finished 8th 5th 5th 2nd and bottled top4 and the league, but he clearly built a team much better than the one he started and got them competing to a stage no one thought he would. Does it make him better than what klopp did, probably not because its not enough time and we need to see more, but in terms of projection of what they predict to happen, it's not the most outrageous thing to say arteta over klopp. If you ask me right now i personally would still say klopp because of what he did with a much worse liverpool team to score 97 pts and challenge consistently. But there is a slight argument from an individual managerial perspective of what the two of them offer. They mentioned countless times in the debate that they can see arteta being ahead of klopp in the future, and recently he has proven it because we can clearly see arteta's style, but you all are just ignoring all that and just saying criminal to put him ahead. Read the argument lads and see what theyre basing it off. Nowhere in the video did they keep saying that artetas done better than klopp in his career, they were talking about projection and at this very moment who is better.

    With that being said, it is a bit annoying because for others managers they took past into consideration and for klopp/arteta they suddenly went to current, which is why i would still put klopp ahead of him, but at least i can understand why they put arteta ahead.

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