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Early Predictions For Top FIVE In The Premier League? #shorts
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Clownsea getting bummed on Saturday
Newcastle haven't been that good in the league, they're only two points ahead of Chelsea.
Are we playing at Emirates stadium or Emirates Stamford stadium? Well it doesn't matter, we are still playing at home either way???
After 1 good season in 20 whole years when fa almost brought top 4 trophy because of arsenal, Chaiiii arsenal fan Robbie is deluded
Arsenal will never win the league or ucl
Wait Aint Villa and Brighton above Newcastle?
Fark me…starting with the memes a bit early this season lol
All the pressure is on us. If it took us 4 seasons for a complete rebuild and we lose the League to Spurs, who finished lower than our worst position ever last season, it will be embarrassing.
We gonna win the premier league and the champions league cmon coyg
Look at the table robbie
Typical Delusional Assna fan ?. How can there be pressure on us when we sit 11th and finished 12th last season?. We are still in the mud. Talking about the billion spent is another Delusional take. You can't expect this new team to jell so quickly. The expectation is top 6 this season and after we've accomplish that. Then we can aim for top spots in the top 4.
1. arsenal
2. city
3. spurs
4. liverpool
5. chelsea surprise
The disrespect on West Ham right now after having the hardest start to the season.
Include villa in that now Robbie
Arsenal are lucky to get 4th at the end of the season