sáb. May 4th, 2024
Floyd Mayweather VS Cristiano Ronaldo – LIFESTYLE WAR

Floyd Mayweather VS Cristiano Ronaldo – LIFESTYLE WAR Prueba nuestro diseador online y personaliza camisetas con tu marca o diseo! Ya sea para una empresa, despedidas de solter, camisetas de futbol Aberdeen fiestas del pueblo o para regalar a un amigo.

Besides being two of the highest-paid athletes in the world! Floyd Mayweather and Cristiano Ronaldo are two tycoons who know how to enjoy their enormous fortunes! But have you ever wondered which of the two has the more luxurious lifestyle? In this video, you will see a super battle between Floyd Mayweather and Cristiano Ronaldo! So let’s go to Fight!

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100 comentario en “Floyd Mayweather VS Cristiano Ronaldo – LIFESTYLE WAR”
  1. Cristiano será multimillonario toda la vida. Floid acabará arruinado. Solo con las redes sociales y publicidad, Cristiano aplasta a floid, sin contar los 200 millones que cobra en Arabia al año y todas sus empresas…

  2. Well I don't hear about nay one giving to the needed or making headlines from doing what nobody is doing like changing poor people lives, they could be helping a lot of people but they buy stuff that would take care 20 families and some, smh so why do we think of them as all that

  3. I bet we can't find anybody that can say they both or either have did anything to help them in life, with all that money it's nothing but a lot to help poor people that won't ever have a chance at anything worth something, like me

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