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Can David Raya Be A Premier League Winning GK? #shorts
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Es cierto, habitualmente estn lejos de ser camisetas de ftbol baratas, pero cmo molan! Dotadas de tecnologas que las convierten en prendas tcnicas admirables, Inglaterra 2022/2023 Camiseta de la 2 equipacin Qatar las camisetas de ftbol originales son las mismas que llevan los jugadores en sus encuentros oficiales o a la hora de entrenar. Su tacto, su ligereza y sus detalles te permiten sentir su calidad a flor de piel.
He’s saying poor form doesn’t matter now but 4 months to the end of the season it’ll cost you dearly
No it matters now. I would have stuck with Ramsdale
In arteta I trust
Stupid question. If the team would have at least 1 point more than the second team, he would be on the winning side. Everthing else is irrelevant. There is a team on the pitch and not only goalie.
Ramsdale is my choice but im not a manager….Arteta is the manager and i trust him
It matters now than the last months, Momentum begins now.
With Raya in goal we can’t win the premier league title this season in my opinion because he mistakes too many mistakes. He makes me panic when he is in goal. We definitely need Ramsdale back in goal. He is the answer for me. I would’ve stuck with Ramsdale. He has inklings of greatness. Raya for brought for a reason. He is definitely better with his feet but Ramsdale better shot stopper for me. Arteta has created his own problems with the goalkeeping situation. I do feel sorry for Ramsdale because he hasn’t done anything wrong at all.
What is he saying.. that foundation does not matter? … you cant end when you dont start.. start is as important as the ending. Why do athletes coach put best sprinters as 1st and last leg in a 4 x 100 meters relay race.. lets talk more reasonably.
If Raya isn't then we need a new keeper cuz Ramsdale is not.
No chance rya is not as gud as aaron thats for real
You are the same person who vowed that Caicedo was far better than Rice….