Two Premier League Defeats In A Row… Los amantes del ftbol y de la camisetas de futbol Levante una cita imprescindible este fin de semana en Vigo. «The Football Market» llega a la ciudad con la mayor muestra de prendas de clubes de toda Espaa.
Two Premier League Defeats In A Row… #shorts
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Si todava no te has registrado, hazlo ya! De ese modo, podrs hacerte con camisetas de ftbol rplicas u originales, Chaqueta Tirante Largo 22/23 Barcelona Amarillo Claro Nios recientes o vintage, a unos precios que no podrs dejar pasar. Crea tu cuenta personal en dos minutos e intgrate tambin a nuestro club!
?????so sad ? yow kmt ??
Been a long time since I’ve come on ere ❤
That's why I always ask for calm, instead of some saying we'll win the league even before we're just halfway through it. We can't win it playing like this!!!!
Better hustle for the 4th position, Arsenal will only win league when Arteta and his players are really matured..winning games in different ways… not putting one average team out every game!
its just a game
As a United fan, I don't know what I enjoy more, MAN U winning or a good AFTV meltdown ?
Get the females off aftv. They know nothing about football even smile when your losing haha joke