sáb. Dic 7th, 2024
Cristiano Ronaldo cries during an emotional interview about his father – Ronaldo Emotional Video

Cristiano Ronaldo cries during an emotional interview about his father – Ronaldo Emotional Video Deportes Moya es una empresa familiar fundada en 1981 por Elvira Moya. camisetas de futbol Francia En 2020 celebramos 40 aos de historia como uno de los referentes de Madrid como tienda de deportes. Nuestra instalaciones ocupan ms de 2000 m2, somos la tienda con ms zapatillas de Madrid. Si vienes a nuestra tienda fsica tenemos parking concertado.

Cristiano Ronaldo cries during an interview about his father with Piers Morgan. Cristiano Ronaldo crying for his dad

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Muchas gracias por ver el vdeo!
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100 comentario en “Cristiano Ronaldo cries during an emotional interview about his father – Ronaldo Emotional Video”
  1. I’m a mess fan overall and I never understood the hate for Ronaldo. It makes me sad that he always worked hard not only to be number one but to show his love for the sport, and yet, he was always pushed aside.

  2. That's why i prefer Ronaldo to Messi, he brought this horrible weight from childhood and his entire family on his shoulders ?❤️. I feel a lot of compassion for him, and he is an example for thousand people.

  3. Just noticed after he watched, his head went down between his knees! Those hiccup sobs.I think they cut that out! Anyone see the whole interview? I hope that's what they did.

  4. I love ❤️ Ronaldo but don’t say that please ? it’s because him Cristiano Ronaldo is great if it was in for his ways probably won’t even be playing football might’ve been an accountant ????

  5. There’s a certain sadness when you love someone that has an addiction. It’s difficult for that person to see even if it’s right in front of them. Every child should have their parents.

  6. the pain is “i never saw the video” so for long time, he thingking what opinion his father to him for all his career and now he know it???,,, tear, release all the pain. healing.

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