mar. May 14th, 2024
Liverpool 3-1 Sheffield United | Premier League highlights

Liverpool 3-1 Sheffield United | Premier League highlights El ftbol es el deporte rey. Practicado por ms de 270 millones de personas y seguido en todo el mundo, camisetas de futbol Olympique Lyonnais la emocin de un gol o de una parada recorre todo el planeta y el sentimiento por un equipo se transmite de padres a hijos. En Kelme llevamos ms de 25 aos vistiendo a los mejores equipos de Espaa y de todo el mundo.

Action footage from the away defeat at Anfield.

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15 comentario en “Liverpool 3-1 Sheffield United | Premier League highlights”
  1. Mais comprado do que tudo,repare nesse gol do sheffield,o lateral do liverpool marca nada,toma um drible daqueles,dps no cruzamento o zagueiro nao corta,e ainda manda a bola pra dentro,eh BETFAIR

  2. You can tell that the Liverpool players have much bigger cocks than the losers from Sheffield. Big Virg would have a huge long dong. And Konate being black you know he has a thick veiny destroyer with a bulging head.

  3. "Liverpool know they've been tested" 😂😂😂 lol who are these comedians? Sheffield had 17% possession a new all time record for the Premier League but not in a good way, surprised the video lasted as long as 2.5 minutes 😂😂😂

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